Blog post - Active Housing and Fast Lean Smart collaborate to optimise the responsive repairs process for landlords
Active Housing have collaborated with Fast Lean Smart (FLS) to optimise repairs and maintenance for landlords.
5th May 2023
Simon Wilkes
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2 minutes 30 seconds
Optimise repairs diagnostics, appointment scheduling and operative efficiency with Active Diagnostics and FLS VISITOUR.
Active Housing and FLS partnered in 2022 to bring two best of breed solutions to the social housing sector, with the common goal to streamline the end-to-end repairs process for social landlords and improve performance for residents.
(Photo: Visual example of the intuitive Active Diagnostics interface on mobile)
Repairs and maintenance backlogs, inflation, and a skills shortage is creating a significant challenge for social landlords, not to mention the very public pressures to improve the quality of living and customer satisfaction across the sector.
The role of diagnostics and dynamic field service scheduling
With the demand and shortages in the sector the more important than ever that repairs reported by both staff and residents has an accurate diagnosis to ensure the operative has the time, skills, and materials to fix the residents problem within the first time of asking, to reduce the need to cost sapping return visits which often lead to poor resident satisfaction.
This is where Active Diagnostic comes in. The award-winning diagnostics tool has proven to increase first time fix rates with many helpful features for operatives such as job grouping, duplicate job gating, efficient appointment nudging and image/video capture.
(Photo: Resident using image/video capture functionality to showcase needed repair work)
Once a job has been reported, optimising the scheduling of reactive appointments against a backdrop of increased compliance and planned maintenance visits has become a far greater effort. Very few Social Landlords with field services (DLO or contractor) find it possible to optimise appointments without simply filling the ‘white space’ in their field operatives’ diaries.
Unlocking Net Zero
Dynamic scheduling and route optimisation software FLS VISITOUR assists field services in all industries and is especially successful in the Housing sector. Optimisation works in the background to increase your first-time fix rate, reduce no-access visits, and design efficiency from both planned and reactive appointments.
(Photo: Photo of the FLS VISITOUR interface, which offers integration with Active Diagnostics)
FLS VISITOUR and Active Diagnostics seamlessly integrate with additional integration options to common sector solutions such as Housing Management Systems (HMS), Asset Management, EDMS and CRM systems.
If you had any questions on the integration options for Active Diagnostics, please get in touch with our team. We would love to support you with your current HMS, CRM and scheduling systems.